(915) 858-7277
1414 Ability Dr, El Paso, TX 79936


Custom Warehousing

After the production process, you will need to find a place to keep your corrugated products. Rather than having to find a warehousing partner and ship your products to them, you can trust ROICOM USA to handle these essential details.

We will keep your corrugated products in our warehouse and work with you to schedule releases. Depending on your needs, we can store your products for days or weeks, and if you need to extend your warehousing time, we can work with you to find a solution.

Contact our team today to learn more about our warehousing services.

Our Warehousing Options

When you warehouse with ROICOM USA you will be able to fully customize the service to fit your schedule. You will have the option to choose to store your products on shelving or pallets. We will typically store your products for up to 30 days. However, if you need to keep them at our warehouse longer, we can work out pricing per pallet.

Benefits of Warehousing with ROICOM USA

Eliminates Warehousing Burden

Our warehouse is in the same location as our manufacturing facility, meaning we can take your products straight from the production line to the warehouse so you don’t have to think about it—or pay for shipping.

Offsets Cost Increases

Costs may change from the time your product is finalized to the time you send it out. Luckily, our warehousing services anticipate these cost increases, and produce and warehouse your packaging before they occur.

Solves Warehousing Issues

With ROICOM USA there is no need to find a warehousing partner since our warehouse is in the same place as our production facility. This reduces many issues and will also reduce the delivered cost to you.

Warehouse Your Products with ROICOM USA

While we can take care of manufacturing your custom corrugated products, we also want to help you after the fact. With our warehousing services you don’t have to worry about finding somewhere to keep your stock.

Contact our team today to see how our warehousing services can benefit you.